
Post Of The Day

-50 Former French colonies produce smarter people, amirite?

by AnxiousAerie3005 1 day ago

-2 Being a victim sometimes mean your life improves, rather than gets worse. If the public and your community and family support you, your life will improve from being a victim. So I think let people beat you up etc. amirite?

by Sad-Trifle-3410 18 minutes ago

+10 American poor don't know what poor really looks like, amirite?

by Traditional-Item778 19 minutes ago

-2 NY Pizza is the least appealing pizza, amirite?

by Barrowsjordane 19 minutes ago

+6 "Short king" is a stupid term, amirite?

by Anonymous 27 minutes ago

+8 Community is not my cup of tea, amirite?

by IntentionNational992 27 minutes ago

+6 Never out a chickenn nugget in the weing olace, amirite?

by marcellus93 27 minutes ago

+10 There's nothing wrong with fathering a child in your 60s. amirite?

by Anonymous 27 minutes ago

-6 There's a small rock somewhere that looks the most like you, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

+13 Gym equipment is fragile and expensive and should be treated as such, amirite?

by kellenwhite 1 hour ago

+15 people cite the law of attraction primarily to avoid accountability, amirite?

by Jbarton 1 hour ago